Technology has reached the tipping point of being way too intrusive. So
this appeals to me! RFID chips are an invasion of privacy - you can't tell precisely what is encoded on these magical little slivers of silicon, yet you are supposed to carry one embedded in your passport to present to any officious beaurocrat wanting to read your record. It's like having a sealed letter of introduction. You can't but help wonder if engraved onto its diode array is "Warning, bearer is a serious nudnik. Give him the special search". Moreover, anybody close enough and with the right equipment can secretly read the information in your passport.
The greatest evil of technology facing us though is the new Microsoft Vista. This bloated piece of malware appears to have shelved any goal of allowing PCs to be fast and powerful, instead having embraced the goal of implementing Draconian copyright protection. Imagine Darth Vader prowling the New York subway, beheading Chinese women as they desperately gather pirated CD's of 'Happy Feet' from picnic blankets.
So horrified am I at the advent of Microsoft's looming operating system, that I finally took the step of installing Linux on a partition this weekend. Readers of this blog have been encouraging me to take this step, and frankly, having done so I'm not so enthusiastic.
I chose Ubuntu, the open-source, 'free' version of linux that is apparently extremely popular. It took me about 3 hours to achieve an internet connection. Navigating the Ubuntu help site was like reading a Choose Your Own Adventure where every fork lead back to page 1. The instructions for activating my wireless card - a not uncommon Linksys USB device - were so abstruse that at first I thought they wanted me to make a sushi roll. The documentation was replete with helpful tips like
ndiswrapper v1.1, kernel vanilla: kernel-oops! ndiswrapper v1.2-rc1 loads fine (EHCI loaded with modprobe ehci-hcd log2_irq_thresh=4) but oopses when unloading the module and the adapter is still plugged in (Kernel vanilla)
Then, having finally eeked out a connection to the net I found that (1) It was even more sluggish than WinXP and (2) Ubuntu doesn't play mp3s. Or to be more accuate, Ubuntu in its native installation doesn't play mp3s but with a little more hieroglyphic research I should be able to open them. Apparently its my fault, because I should be using 'ogg'. Don't smirk, so should you.
So thats it for now. I'm not uninstalling Ubuntu, but I think of that partition of my hard-drive as an impenetrable African Jungle, with lurking Sudos and prowling Synaptics. Until Windows Vista colonizes my boot sector and forces me out, I'm remaining camped at Windows XP.