Saturday, December 02, 2006

Kofi - Quietly Aiding Genocide

Kofi Annan is still soft-pedalling the genocide in Darfur. His latest 'breakthrough'
The secretary-general, Kofi Annan, announced after a meeting in Ethiopia that he and the Sudanese government had agreed “in principle” to a new “hybrid” UN force. This would take command of, and enlarge, the existing 7,000-man African Union (AU) force which has manifestly failed to keep the peace.
Despite his proclamation, it seems the Sudanese have actually rejected this proposal. If the Secretary General was serious, he would have pushed the UN to accept that the murders in Darfur constitute genocide, and named China as the primary patron of the Sudanese government, with special responsibility for its actions. Instead, he engages in these endless and useless discussions that only give the Sudanese government time to continue murdering the African inhabitants of Western Sudan.

Kofi Annan's silence permitted the Rwandan genocide ; his sudden loquacity ensures disaster in Darfur.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least he has worked tirelessly to stop the israeli genocide in lebanon and in gaza. apparently in kofiland the blood of africans and jews is cheap, but arab blood is precious. for that matter, stopping the genocide of africans in darfur could ultimately entail the shedding of arab blood- which would be an unspeakable catastrophe.

2:08 PM  

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