Saturday, February 25, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I propose that once we have the contest going full blast that we get groups of Jews together all over the world and throw cheese Danishes at random embassies.
Prior to the elections and despite an agreement on the 'period of calm,' Hamas played an active role in the rocket attacks, with military officials estimating that the movement was responsible for nearly 20 percent of all Qassams fired at Israel last year.Now that Hamas is officially in charge, Qassam fire should be regarded as authorized attacks by a foreign power and responded to appropriately. There's no point providing free electricity to bomb makers.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The World According to Arla

The Danish company Arla is upset about being the target of a boycott by the Arab world. From their website a status report with a map showing the situation in countries where Arla is active. Notice anything odd?
I can barely control my tears.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Mac Demise Watch
Computer viruses are as natural a part of the digital ecosystem as nucleic acid viruses in the biological realm. The human cortex already forms a continuum with the electronic bitspace, albeit the interface remains clumsy. And like their biological namesakes, the evolution of computer viruses is a distributed process, occuring through dispersed small mutations and rare dramatic recombination events.
Anybody who believes that virus programmers should be locked up should similarly argue that third world farmers who cuddle their chickens should be locked up. Clearly the better solution isn't legal, it's the emergence of a healthy viro-medical industry and observance of good hygiene.
Wear a good warm firewall before going out and flush your cache regularly and your beloved laptop will still be zipping along on its 5th birthday.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
The undersigned urge the Green Party to reverse its resolution in support of Divestment from Israel and to eliminate that resolution from its platform.There's an article about how the resolution came about on Frontpage magazine.
As with any conflict, the Israel-Arab conflict requires bilateral peace negotiations and joint agreements in order for a real and lasting peace to be achieved. Divestment is an aggressively coercive tool that is counterproductive due to the presumption that only one party (Israel) is to blame for the conflict.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Everybody Loves Leunig
In an editorial, Michael Gawenda, former editor-in-chief of the Age (which is not exactly printed in blue and white) criticizes Leunig:
Gawenda wrote that Leunig was silent about 'the fact that the competition's organisers thought his cartoon -- which is not a hoax -- was a perfectly fine entry for this racist exercise.
'Indeed, Leunig goes out of his way to praise the Iranians who were 'courteously apologising. They had been co-operative. They cared'.

Now for the strange part - this image from Reuters of a cartoon demonstration, shows protestors holding a large sign with Michael Leunig and Hirsi Ali (and others), presumably to draw Allah's attention to infidel deserving of a little wrath. Muslim fanatics are going to have to learn who their friends are if they are to make any headway in the global jihad. No point beheading your own PR reps. Or are these protesters furious that Hamshahri is making the Islamic world look petty and childish?
Friday, February 17, 2006
End of Macs (Finally) in Sight
A malicious computer worm has been found that targets Apple Computer Inc.'s Mac OS X operating system, believed to be the first such virus aimed specifically at the Mac platform.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
- Lilly on Dolphins
Death by Beaurocracy
was mistakenly registered as dead by a Barcelona court in 1994. Four years later she managed to prove she was alive, but with no cases of rebirth in the rule book, an impasse was reached.
She even went on to have a child - who was, following bureaucratic logic, declared an orphan.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded a 78-year-old man while hunting for quail on a ranch in Texas, U.S. television networks reported on Sunday.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Move to the Right. Move to the Left.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Why Pop Culture is Junk and My Sister Will Never Support Me in my Senility
In the social influence group, participants were provided with the same song list, but could also see how many times each song had been downloaded.I'm sure this applies to culture in general and explains the popularity of such worthless tombs as "Life of Pi" and "Ulysses". It also explains why you should immediately visit and download my sisters latest track which is doing well on the jazz/blues charts.
Researchers found that popular songs were popular and unpopular songs were unpopular, regardless of their quality established by the other group. They also found that as a particular songs' popularity increased, participants selected it more often.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Cunning Semitic Virions
The state-run Syrian daily al-Thawra lately hinted that Israel developed the bird flu virus to harm the genes of its Arab neighbors.Them dastardly Jews!
An article published by the newspaper argues that Israel spread the virus in the Far East to mislead the world.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
More Cartoon Casualties
The editorial staff of the alternative weekly New York Press walked out today, en masse, after the paper's publishers backed down from printing the Danish cartoons that have become the center of a global free-speech fight.There's a clear lack of concordance between the objectives of the publishers and the editors of the NY Press. Just last year, an editor was forced out after the publisher decided criticism of the pope was too nasty. The publishers may not be devoted to free speech, but they're consistent.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Jewish Backlash Underway
At Brandeis University, a course on Lesbian motifs in Yiddish literature was briefly interrupted as students asked their professor what he thought about the controversy. In Washington D.C. a flurry of letters to the editor and press releases poured out of Jewish organizations. In New York, Commentary magazine -- a leading organ of the 'neoconservative' Jewish Right -- announced it would run three articles on Iran in its next issue as well as an extensive letters section.
Embassy Burning Competition Announced
So... they want to get competitive. I think we can rise to the challenge - we Jews can get pretty damn rowdy when provoked. I'm thinking of firing off a letter to the editor about it myself. Yes, I said 'fire'.
We'll beed to keep a careful running tally of the number of embassy's burned and lives foreshortened in response to the upcoming publications. But I think that as Muslims outnumber Jews 60:1, its only reasonable to add a multiplier to the Jewish score.
So far:
Mohammed Cartoons
Embassies burned: 3 (Syria, Lebanon, Iran)
Deaths: 6 - 3 in Afganistan and 1 each in Somalia and Turkey
Monday, February 06, 2006
Kadouri's Legacy
Active and articulate until the last weeks of his life, Kadouri lived modestly in Jerusalem's Bukharan Quarter. A vegetarian, he rose early and went to bed late.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
BBC versus the JPost
The Jerusalem Post describes the scene:
Eli Haziza, 64, who works at the Caniel Israel Can Company factory next door, took a big wooden stick and smacked the terrorist in the leg, sending the knife flying. Three passersby then surrounded the stabber and restrained him.The BBC version:
People grabbed him and started to beat him up.
Love the SOAS
Asked if suicide bombing was so glorious and honorable would he do it, the response was a categorical "yes." "If I can go to Palestine and sacrifice myself I would do it. Why not?"
Saturday, February 04, 2006
'Muslims of the world be reasonable,' wrote Mr Momani.Jihad Momani has now been fired, forced to apologize, arrested and charged with insulting religion. I think that clarifies the correct answer to his question.
'What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?'
Atomic Energy Agency Goes Wild
# Reestablish a freeze on uranium enrichment and related activities.Yes... lets re-re-re-re-establish that freeze. Nothing like frozen heavy water to melt a cold UN diplomat's heart.
# Consider whether to stop construction of a heavy water reactor that could be the source of plutonium for weapons.This time, we want them to consider it really deeply. Give it a good thinking over You know, internal discussions and all. Let 'em do what they like, so long as its been solidly considered.
# Formally ratify an agreement allowing the IAEA greater inspecting authority and continue honoring the agreement before it is ratified.Because what we can rely on is a sincere promise by Ahmadinejad not to do anything sneaky. Previous insincere promises don't count, he had his fingers crossed. Moreover this time, ElBaradei is warning he'll look under the bed and on the top shelf of the cupboards.
# Give the IAEA additional power in its investigation of Iran's nuclear program, including 'access to individuals' for interviews, as well as to documentation on its black-market nuclear purchases, equipment that could be used for nuclear and non-nuclear purposes and 'certain military-owned workshops' where nuclear activities might be going on.More power for the IAEA. It's always reassuring to have competant people in charge. Could we give them control over the Philadelphia City Council while we're at it?