A Soyful Seder
Pesach is a very difficult time for Ashkenazi vegans. Being a solid 12.5% sephardic (but on an undiluted maternal lineage), I restrict legume intake to no more than 1/8th of total food consumption during the 8 days. I was therefore delighted to find this conservative responsum arguing that in the light of the ingathering of the exiles, it is imperative that we eliminate the prohibition on legumes altogether.
that sounds pretty dumb. it's not hard to see that the conservative movement has not produced a first (or even second rate) academy of rigorous Jewish learning, nor difficult to figure out why not.
A perfectly valid claim can be made for those whose immediate forebears have no demonstrated proclivities to essentially choose their own traditions. only charlatans and racists claim that people's traditions should be dictated by their ethnicity.
and if that were so, then what of converts. what of wookies whose progenitors were not among those exiled by the Romans.
chewy, i have no idea what you are woofing about. a paragraph as muddled as that one could only spring from the very small brain of a very small dog. perhaps you could ask someone from the hominid lineage to clarify your point?
i think what chewie was trying to say is that to assume that you are ashkenazi simply because you are ethnically derived from eastern Europe would be racism.
on the other hand to determine that certain traditional practices have lost their relevance because of the sudden and amazing enlightenment of a few pretentious pseudo-scholars in the last couple of decades is foolish.
Chewie said to ask when we are going to levitate the pentagon.
ok i see what you are arguing. but
by definition ashkenazim are jews whose ethnic origin is eastern europe. we share certain religious traditions, very bad taste in food, indigestion and genetic diseases. in some circumstances people join the ashkenazi tradition (or marry into a sephardic one), but attempting to brazenly deny that one shares this affliction would be as ludicrous as a chihuahua trying to pass itself off as a real dog.
chihuahuas are born superior to other dogs. we bite better, we bark better and we can elminate at will both indoors and out.
to suggest that the halachikally binding framework that derives from an inherited traditional lifestyle and values system is similarly connected to geography and/or ethnicity is positively maltese-brained.
the fact that the traditions are shared by people who share a certain geographic contiguity shouldn't be surprising, but to turn it around and say that the so-called ethnicity that dervies from that geographic contiguity becomes the defining factor is really putting the musher before the sled.
anyway, in judaism unlike in akc designations, the last time i checked ethnicity tended to be a common characteristic- and one that can even be chosen and adopted.
The Conservative movement has produced the Jewish Theological Seminary. That's a very fine learning place.
I would certainly prefer it to the esteemed academies near the Kotel , weher students gather excrements in plastic bags, just in case they might spot a group of women praying at the Kotel.
I would certainly prefer it to the academy where that foul-mouthed monkey fascist called Ovadia Yosef teaches.
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