Harvard Updates Protocols of Zion
A paper recently co-authored by the academic dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government about the allegedly far-reaching influence of an 'Israel lobby' is winning praise from white supremacist David Duke.The paper in question is here. The article is pretty repulsive. Among other things, it claims that the press is largely pro-Israel and that the Iraq war was launched on behalf of Israel.
NY Sun - David Duke Claims to Be Vindicated By a Harvard Dean
However, I was happy to learn that "One CNN executive has said that he sometimes gets 6,000 e‐mail messages in a single day complaining that a story is anti‐Israel." It might be nice for Drs Walt and Mearsheimer to get some correspondance. Walt's contact details are here.
Better still, write to 'research_administration@ksg.harvard.edu'and let them know what you think of their "Professor". Here's a copy of my letter to them:
Dear Colleagues
I’m amazed that you would allow such a patently biased, partisan and unsubstantiated paper such as “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” By John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt (Working Paper Number: RWP06-011, submitted: 13/03/2006) to be published in the name of Harvard University.
One of the most highly respected Australian foreign affairs journalists, Greg Sheridan, describes extracts of the paper, recently published in the London Review of Books, as “A telling example of the toxic anti-Israel atmosphere at Western universities … a quite disgusting screed of juvenile conspiracy theory … a ridiculous piece, with faux-academic footnotes and patently absurd assertions… … the authors' line of causation is ludicrously simplistic, as though no other factor has ever weighed with American policy-makers except Israel. The article, full of half-truths and misrepresentations, is a first cousin of anti-Semitism in the way in which it posits a vast, predominantly Jewish conspiracy apparently ruling the world. It seems to be motivated more than anything by a hatred of US neo-conservatives and a desire to damage them by attributing to them a motive for supporting action against Iraq that was not the motive they themselves cited. But in its bilious hostility to Israel and its simplistic and ridiculous assertion that Israel is the cause of Muslim hostility to the West, it is a perfect exemplar of the temper of even US universities towards Israel.”
If it were not that these armchair commentators were trying to influence policy that will existentially affect the lives of millions of human beings, it would be a sick joke.
In fact this sort of pseudo-academic bullshit is as dangerous as the mortal enemies the civilised world is facing today.
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Steve Lieblich
Incredible story, but your reply was a fantastic response . I would never have expected this from Harvard or any communication acknowledged by them.
Yes, good idea to cc the administration. I generally don't publically post correspondance to individuals. To corporations, no problem. But when I write to someone, I think they should be able to reasonably expect that our communication is private. I don't mind sending copies to interested friends, but I don't post it to a blog. I guess I could mention that I intend to distribute the letter, but I think that tends to put people on the defensive and make them less receptive to the arguments I advance.
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