Adam brought over his dog chewy last night. It was hard not to notice an astonishing resemblance to L Ron Hubbard. I can only think that Elron has returned to us as a particularly small and rodent-like canine, who yips and cringes at the slightest movement. Chewy's last visit to my home was marred by disengorgement of her dinner, apparently a protest at being forced to eat vegetarian, followed by micturation and defecation on the carpet...
Oh! I am so gonna sue you!
You think you can make fun of wookies and our religion ?! We'll sue you, buddy!
How dare you mock our faith, you little punk?! You'll be hearing from our lawyers tomorrow!
I'll sue you in England!
You are so sued!
um, that's hadassah's dog. she's my redheaded step-child. i assure you that she's done far worse to my floors.
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