Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ferocious Diplomatic Activity

After 5 years of diplomatic activity aimed at curbing the Iranian nuclear program, and several months of active sanctions, its charming that the British believe that they can resolve their problems with Iran through intensive diplomatic activity
We are now in a new phase of diplomatic activity,' Beckett told members of parliament.

'We need to focus all our bilateral efforts during this phase to resolution of this issue,' she added. 'We will therefore be imposing a freeze on all other official bilateral business with Iran until this situation is resolved.'

The freeze means all official inward and outward visits will be stopped, visas to Iranian officials will not be issued, British support for other events such as trade missions to Iran is put on hold and government-to-government business on other issues will cease, the UK foreign office told The Associated Press.
No wonder the Iranians are bold. While trade sanctions are invariably ineffective, Resolution 1737 which selectively freezes the assets of 12 individuals and a few Iranian companies is an enormous joke. Who could possibly imagine that blocking the activity of a handful of named individuals could possibly impact the Iranian nuclear program?

I predict that the British sailors will eventually be released, but not after a well publicised trial designed to exact maximum humiliation and thereby prove to the Iranian population the might of the Ayatollahs against a former world power.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

with the advent of the European Union the British can at last benefit from centuries of foreign policy and strategic skills amassed by their erstwhile enemies- the French. comment on dit en anglais- "nous nous rendons."

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in a related note, i strongly recommend reading the following book, really excellent:
Guests of the Ayatollah: The Iran Hostage Crisis: The First Battle in America's War with Militant Islam by Mark Bowden

10:12 AM  
Blogger Matt Katz said...

"This isn't Iran we're dealing with. This is PERSIA." -- former Sec'y of State Madeline Albright, on the Daily Show Tuesday night

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I predict that the Brits will be hanged. I aso predict the Britain will do nothing beyond some deploring, declaring it unacceptable and other such rubbish.

11:17 PM  

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