Thursday, June 15, 2006

More Vodka Less Dairy Delights

Christopher Hitchens is needlessly anxious to demonstrate that Iraq was harbouring terrorists before we invaded it. It's not a very strong argument - there's no evidence that any misdeeds were actually plotted in Mesopotamia - and supererogatory besides. Iraq used to be the private Slave State of Saddam Hussein, who terrorized his subjects mercilessly. The most interesting part of Hitchen's article is the postscript:
I have today received a note from one of the Copenhagen editors who published the original cartoons, informing me that in the last quarter, Danish exports to the United States have increased by 17 percent and that, overall, the Danish economy has more than compensated for the results of the unjustified Muslim boycott.
Must be all that good Denaka vodka I've been drinking!


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