BBC Not Biased!
The Jerusalem Post has its own problems, but it knows when to use sarcasm:
A paper released Tuesday found no evidence of systematic bias in the British Broadcasting Corporation's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, The Guardian reported.Phew! Now we just need someone to reassure us that the Guardian isn't systematically biased either!
to be perfectly frank, knowing the depths to which the jpost's editorial standards have sunk since the departure of bret stephens as editor in chief- i suspect that the perceived irony wasn't at all intentional. i'm afraid that you are probably giving them far too much credit.
these days i get my important news from it's in hebrew but it is accurate and tends to be just ahead of the bleeding edge
Bret's standards????!!!
Bret Stephens was an imbecile if I ever read one. I told him so, in an e-mail that i forwarded to Amotz Asa-El and a few other staffers.
I also wished him to be fired, which eventually happened.
Bret pretty much drove the journal (which I read faithfully every day since 1995) into the ground.
He was absolutely obsessed with Ameerican politics -more precisely, with bashing Democrats and praising Republicans no matter what the facts- and had huge troubles understanding he was the editor of an ISRAELI newspaper.
From an Israeli point of view, it doesn't matter what party an American politician is, but rather whether the pol is good for Israel or not. After all, the Republicans have had pretty demented anti-Israeli people at helm - like James Baker, a truly evil and anti-Semitic person, who was secretary of state during Bush Sr.'s presidency.
Well, you wouldn't know it from Bret: Republican - good, Democrat - bad. That's about the sum total of what he knew.
He also was implicated in an ugly of embezzlement together with Conrad Black - at the time when he cut the salaries of jerusalem Post staff. Bret is lucky he isn't in jail. The day he left was a very good for a Zionist and Israeli newspaper.
um i wasn't really talking about his politics or his personality. just the editorial standards and professionalism that he brought with him to the jpost and took with him when he left.
anybody who ever worked with him at the post could tell you he ran a very tight ship, and it showed in the product.
and to the best of my knowledge he was not fired. he took the position at the jpost as a temporary engagement to try and forge a halfway decent newspaper out of that rag.
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