Monday, November 27, 2006

Press or Propaganda

I picked up the Epoch Times today, the Falun Gong propaganda newspaper and flicking through it, noticed that unlike most newspapers, most of the International section contained stories written by ET reporters rather than being copied from AP or Reuters. I wondered if perhaps the ET was so keen to spin the news their way, that they insisted on writing everything from scratch (though they do have some Reuters pieces). But after reading today that the AP has been using a fake source for months, its hard to conclude that our own 'news' organizations have less of an agenda than the Epoch Times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Used to be, having your own reporters write stories qualified you as a serious news organization- why do you insist on abusing this forum to malign the much- persecuted Falun Gong who have an excellent wookie-rights record?

And you can say what you like about the AP but they really got some great scoops in Lebanon when they were able to show the terrible civilian toll of the israeli bombings. Even the corpses smiled and posed for the camera- that's what i call first rate journalism!

2:26 PM  

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