Monday, May 29, 2006

British Academic Boycott Part 2

Haaretz reports that the British Academic boycott of Israel is back on the tracks:
Israeli leaders and academics Monday slammed a vote by the largest university and college lecturers' union in Britain in favor of a motion recommending that its members boycott Israeli academics and institutions that do not publicly declare their opposition to Israeli policy in the territories.

The motion passed with 106 in favor and 71 against. There were 21 abstentions.
However, as NATFHE is supposed to amalgamate with the AUT (which rejected the boycott last year), its not clear how this play out.

Still, anybody interested in writing to NAFTHE's National Executive will find a list of their email addresses here. I wrote to the General Secretary explaining that NAFTHE members have excluded themselves from the scientific community and asking that he publish a list of their names and affiliations to ensure that respectable scientists don't accidentally find themselves collaborating with them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will write a letter telling them that if any of them are chihuahuas I will see that they are excluded from international kennel clubs and that their pedigrees are discredited. Moreover, none of these characters will be welcome in the company of chihuahuas or any toy breeds.

2:01 PM  
Blogger sheikh X said...

wait, no chewie - why don't you write to tell them that you are on their side and that chihuahuas of the world have decided to participate in the boycott of israel.

that'll show 'em.

4:55 PM  

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