Saturday, January 14, 2006

Olmert - Another Dove with Talons?

Haaretz has an excellent mini-bio of Ehud Olmert that provides nourishing fodder for optimists like myself.
'In his period as the mayor of Jerusalem, he understood that as the person setting policy in a city in which one-third of the residents are Arabs, he had to alter the policy toward them,' says Amirav. 'Olmert is a rational person, and the encounter with the reality he saw as mayor changed his views. He began to demand budgets from the treasury to improve the infrastructure of the Arab residents of Jerusalem. In the course of five years, he allocated more development budget to them than Teddy Kollek did in 20 years.'


A few of Olmert's acquaintances believe that the leftist opinions of members of his family have also influenced the shift in his political positions: His wife, Aliza, supported Peace Now, and his son Saul refused to serve in the territories, and identified with the Yesh Gvul movement.


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