Monday, January 30, 2006

I've been convinced to turn anonymous comments back on. Adam, who thinks I am simply to dumb to understand Joyce, couldn't work out how to register. Victor, who disputes the date of Hamas' last suicide bombing, can't remember his password. In the face of such determined ineptitude, what am I to do. Comment away, anonymice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you're mention memory, you had better do it right. I'm not saying I don't remember the password, I'm saying:
(i) I absolutely do not want to memorize any password except for that of my two main e-mail accounts
(ii) similarly, I never ever want to learn phone numbers
(iii) the fault in the web design is clear - most sites have a feature called "retrieve your password'. Come on Harolde, a password is not the Shma Israel, I don't have to remember it
(iv) the memory used to encode nonsense information (random combinations of letters, numbers, names) is different from the one used to encode non-random information. I'm sure you remember that from neurobiology courses. I don't care for the first kind of memory, only the second.
(v) linked to (iv), I had an intersting conversation once with Eric kandel who told me about Lithuanian yeshiva students who had phenomenal memory of the first kind and were quite stupid and definitely not among the smart yeshiva crowd. In american pop culture, that sort of memory is also often seen - there are all kinds of people who remember in excruciating detail the most idiotic things - linked to TV in most cases.
(v) I am not a blogger. I would rather be an 'other' (ah, the French existentialist creeping!, where are the adoring fans with tight skirts?) or an 'anonymous'.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that anybody who doesn't appreciate Joyce's masterpiece must be dumb.

3:25 PM  
Blogger sheikh X said...

you two are hilarious.

victor- i didn't write the blogger software. if i did, it would definately allow you to enter your email for password retrieval. it would then sign you up for a dozen spam list-serves, clog your email with daily insults and add you to a public roster of people to be relentlessly mocked.

a humble suggestion - since time immemorial, good-hearted folk have used the password 'computer' for all privacy needs. if 'computer' isn't good enough for you, and you insist on some newfangled elaborate combination of punctuation marks and capitalized numbers, then its your own lookout.

your diatribe about wanting to remain aloof from trivialities like phone numbers is disingenuous. its easy not to worry about phone numbers if you never actually call anybody.

and 'anonymous'- i think that anybody not prepared to go on record as defending joyce is a coward.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More on the memory: I had no problem at all in remembering the day of the Hamas attack. It was in Beershva in August 2005. It was clearly perpetrated by Hamas, it hurt two soldiers and killed the suicide bomber.

You're likely confusing it with the Beersheva attack that happened a few days before, was perpetrated by the Islamic Jihad and killed more people.

Tough to keept track of these lovely Palestinians.

What better way to resist than go and kill civilians shopping? Nah, they're all Zionists. Even the kids are Zionists. Aren't the Pals lovely? As I read once, our peace partner is the suicide bomber. The writer did not imagine (neither did I) that the statement was too bland if anything: now the suicide bomber is in charge of the government. Imagine how would it be if Baruch Goldstein or one of his friends were prime minister. The Pals had 130 Baruch Goldsteins and has declared them national heroes, given them state funerals (Ayyash "the Engineer"), named streets after them and took it to the next logical step by electing
to be governed by suicide bombers (all Hamas leaders expressed desire to do it, although, interestingly, none of their kids ever went on a suicide bombing attack).

Moreover, your whole assertion about Hamas and ceasefire is quite ridiculous: the IDF has clearly stated (see Jerusalem Post today) that the decrease in Hamas attacks was not for lack of trying, but lack of success. They tried to dispatch suicide bombers. They also made Qassams that were lobbed into Israel by them or their responsible Fatah colleagues in the Gaza police force. If not taking Qassams as tender gifts from the opressed of the Earth but rather as attempts to murder qualifies me as a wild-eyed right-winger, I can live with it.

I very much doubt the password 'computer' worked.
After all, the clever software didn't allow me to register as Victor, surely a less frequent word than computer.

11:21 PM  
Blogger sheikh X said...

from the ADL:
"August 28, 2005: A suicide bombing outside the Central Bus Station in Beersheba severly injured two security guards who stopped the bomber from entering the bus station. Islamic Jihad and Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack."

i don't really disagree with most of your comments. hamas is a murderous organization and yossi beilin is right to say we should not negotiate with them. and yes, the palestinians don't invite sympathy when they exalt their genocidal maniacs.

i won't be upset if hamas legislates shariah in the territories and hanan ashrawi is forced to wear a burka during future propaganda events.

look, i'm sorry you can't register as 'victor'. but you have to admit that though in general you are at the very forefront of the computer revolution, you may not have been the first victor to register with blogger.

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My computer prowess is legendary indeed. We should ask Rhonda from the Weizmann... Of course, since I do a lot of imaging, I learnt to use several imaging programs. I don't like computers and never will, but I'm fine with learning when the alternative is inconvenient (e.g. better to make figures in CorelDraw and Chartsmith than Photoshop, even if it meant learning those).

OK, we agree on the attack. I found it as being done by Hamas.
11:00) Police believe Hamas behind bombing
Police officials believe Hamas was behind Sunday's "suicide" bomb attack in Beersheva, Army Radio reported. The bomber reportedly came from the Hebron area.

How about Sasson Nuriel, murdered by Hamas in Jerusalem September 2005? Or Qassams?

Beilin said it's OK to negotiate with the "moderates". So it's fine if things are signed with Abbas. It doesn't matter to him that the actual government would be Hamas.
Surely Hamas will put some non-Hamas members in the government. Mark my words, Beilin will be satisfied and say they're kosher.

Fished by Adrian:
There was also another threat against the newspaper's headquarters in Aarhus. But despite the threats, the paper insists they were right to publish the cartoons.

"We stand by the publication of these 12 cartoons," says Flemming Rose, culture editor of the Jyllands-Posten.

He was the man who commissioned the cartoons, one of which shows the Prophet with a turban on his head covering a ticking bomb.

But knowing what he knows now, would he still commission and print those cartoons?

"That is a hypothetical question," he says. "I would say that I do not regret having commissioned those cartoons and I think asking me that question is like asking a rape victim if she regrets wearing a short skirt Friday night at the discotheque."

11:54 AM  
Blogger sheikh X said...

i like the motto of the jerusalem wire service: "Watch so you can pray".

obviously publishing offensive cartoons is a newspaper's right. still, when a paper repeatedly publishes cartoons that seem to have no point other than to inspire in the reader a feeling of disgust, well that crosses a line - a la antisemitic 'baby-eating' cartoons in the arab press. the appropriate reaction is a letter to the editor and a boycott of the newspaper. not a boycott of the country of origin - thats collective punishment and we know how the arab world hates collective punishment...

6:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i did not leave that last comment

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The appropriate reaction, Harolde, is the boycott of any Muslim country that takes Denmark to task.

That gutter of intelligence that is the Arab press has published the most offensive things about Jews - unpunished. Moreover even states at peace with Isreal, like Egypt, have aired TV series made after "The Protocols of the Sages of Zion', the notorious anti-Semitic forgery.

That we should give any credence to any claim made by the governments of such countries is just absurd.

I don't want to live in a caliphate, and if it comes to that, I will know how to bear arms. If you think I'm far-fetched, check the Hezbollah website. Somewhere on it you will find things not just about the wished-for destruction of Israel, but about the long-term goal of the instauration of an Islamic state in America, complete with that of a green banner over the White House.

Not since Nazism has the Western civilization had such a frontal challenge. So no, absolutely will I not listen to the countries which I consider, with overwhelming reasons, as my (not mine Victor, but mine, a Jew and a person who doesn't want die in flames) mortal enemies.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that Hezballah's flag is yellow. I used to see them out my window in the western galilee.
Hamas' flag is green.
Surely Hamas has no intention of seeing their flag fly over the white house.
I guess that means Victor has it all wrong here. After all, Hamas is our friend and negotiating partner. We even beat the crap out of Jewish teenagers to save them the trouble of doing so. Those settlers should thank the police for beating them up when PA police might have blown them up.

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like Joseph Conrad. I think that Heart of Darkness was a terrible book, and I didn't understand a word of it.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have it wrong at all. While Hezbollah has a yellow flag with a Kalashnikov on it, the standard Muslim banner is green. So if you're a Muslim movement with internationalist aspirations, it is the international banner that you should use when highlighting your world revolution aspirations.

So Chewie (I like the Galitzianer name of that sage), before telling me I'm wrong by means of purely theoretical reasoning, why don't you take that bold step visiting Hezbollah's websites?

I think you may be wrong about Hamas. They, as Hezbollah, have internationalist aspirations as well. They talk of themselves as part of the Muslim nation, the umma, and clearly say they'll ally themselves with such states with similar world domination aspiration, like Iran. In case you think I'm wrong, Iran's Ahmadinejad has recently declared that Muslims should ready themselves to rule the world.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Ahmadinejad came to my house I would bite him. If I went to his house I would eliminate on his carpet. Before you sneer at my threats ask Harry what that feels like. Don't cross a Chihuahua.
And I doubt that they would fly any banner over the white house because I doubt they would leave it standing long enough.
Although a canine I am somewhat bemused and not a little gratified to see the Europeans fleeing Gaza. Fox News' web site has a picture of Danes confused about why the Muslims are not their friends anymore... Soon, perhaps they will be learning what we wookies have known for a long time now.
At least Iran doesn't have the bomb thanks to the bold diplomacy of the Europeans...

11:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for Hamas not having global aspirations.

"In 2003-4, Hamas distributed a colorful poster in Jenin and Hebron featuring individual portraits of Hamas founder Yassin with bin Laden and the leaders of the Chechen mujahideen, Shamil Basayev and Khattab. The poster also refers to other battlefields of global jihad - the Balkans and Kashmir. This indicates that Hamas sees anyone fighting in global jihad as potential allies. It should not have been surprising, then, that after Israel completed its Gaza pullout, Israeli military intelligence reported that al-Qaeda cells had infiltrated from Egyptian Sinai and found a new area which would host them."

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That just shows that they know who their friends are.

10:12 AM  

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