Sunday, April 15, 2007

Israel Sells All Armed Dogs

The Israeli Defense Force sold all dogs for Pesach, promising to reacquire them after the festival. My own sources - even more secret and better informed than Debka - have revealed that the IDF reneged on part of the deal, refusing to take back all military chihuahuas. Chihuahuas are looked down upon by the IDF as they are cowardly little mongrels. Druze community leaders are furious, as - very reasonably - they also dislike these rat-like canines. Closed door negotiations are underway with a solution likely involving release of the loathsome beasts on the foothills of the Golan Heights.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is a well known fact that chihuahuas do not eat chametz dog food at all, and in fact flourish upon prepared dishes of fresh meat and whole grain rice. What the author of this ill-researched blog entry also fails to mention is that the israeli military was not able to sell its service chihuahuas with the military dogs because a) their purposes are too sensitive and critical for the success of the military and b) chihuahuas have the status of "eved ivri" and they cannot be sold to non-jews

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love chihuahuas with beer and chips.

8:28 AM  

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