Monday, August 15, 2005

Cultured Meat

The moment of truth may be a few years off and the views of the world's great chefs are as yet unknown. But vegetarians would do well to address the issue now. Meat from once-living animals on the hoof is one thing. But what about meat derived from cells in a laboratory dish, where no animal suffering is involved and where the end product is healthier than anything produced on a farm?
Independent Online Edition
Let me address this right now. In principle I'd eat it happily. No suffering - no problem.

Of course, there are other ethical factors to consider. What sort of 'input' is needed to grow these cells? Many cells grown in culture require either plasma derived from animals, or cocktails of exotic factors that may be extremely resource intensive to derive. However, if muscle cells can be grown as meat in culture without animal products and at a reasonably environmental cost, I'm for it.


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