Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Taunting Syria a Second Time

Lebanese protestors taunt Assad a second time... Syria insists on gradual pullout from Lebanon (March 6, 2005)
In Martyrs' Square yesterday morning, the scene of numerous demonstrations in recent weeks, thousands of protesters came to watch a broadcast of Assad's speech on projection screens, at times booing and jeering. The protesters, many dressed in white, waved Lebanese flags and called for 'freedom, sovereignty and independence.' Some called out 'Liar!' and 'Bush sends his greetings!' during the broadcast of the speech.
And in unreported news, other protestors sneered derisively at the tv screens, muttering, "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries". Enraged, Assad swore that even in the event of a complete pullout, he will maintain a elite unit permanently on the border, with one soldier poking his leg out onto Lebanese soil at all times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had a pet hamster and remember that he had a bit of a body odor problem, but i know very little about elderberries...must be pretty stinky...

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, cool blog heading...is that new?

10:43 PM  

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